Grants to be had.

Written by Aaron Greaves – Communications Officer

Last year the Foundation received 810 applications, 55% of these were successful. But what turns an applicant into a grant receiver?

We can’t physically fund every grant proposal, but you can give yourself better odds!

Always check the criteria.

Does your project really fit? Does the programme cover your location? Is your organisation excluded by income level? Not all our programmes have the same criteria, so before you apply make sure you’re in the right seat!

Details make a difference.

Does your budget add up? Do we know what your organisation does? What’re your aims and who’re you benefitting? How have you discovered the need for your project? Does anyone else deliver what you’re planning to do? Be clear and concise.

Things to mention.

Will participants be paying towards the project? Would this grant support part of a larger project, if so, where’s the other funding coming from? Are other organisations funding you? Put yourself in our shoes.

No goes.

Before you spend time filling out an application it’s important to know what we don’t fund such as retrospective projects, building work or individuals. For a complete list visit our grants page.

So, what happens next?

Hopefully your submission is spot on, if not you’ll get a call from one of our team to clear up any issues. Next, you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail and your application will be reviewed by an independent committee.

The assessors may have queries, if so, they’ll get in touch. Other than that, just sit back, cross your fingers and hopefully you’ll be one of the many organisations we award grants to!

If you have any queries about our grants or your application, give us a call on: 024 768 3262 alternatively you can email the grants team via:

Remember, there’s no such thing as a stupid question!